Computer Adventure Games Computer Game Cheat Codes Low-Spoiler Walkthroughs

The Longest Journey Cheats and Links

Okay, first of all, there aren't any trainers or hex editors for The Longest Journey, because April has no stats, skills, hit points, or anything else you could conceivably want to edit. I'm really surprised how many people ask me for that.

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The only way to really cheat in this game is to look up the solution to a puzzle rather than figuring it out yourself. If you want to do that, or you just want to learn more about this great game, here are a few good links for you:

My Longest Journey Pages:

The Longest Journey Hints, with general gameplay information and suggestions.

The Longest Journey Walkthrough, with possible optional actions in each game location (low-spoiler).

The Longest Journey Review, with a spoiler-free overview of the game for those considering playing.

The Longest Journey Game Critique, with detailed spoilers and discussion of plot holes.

Other useful Longest Journey Pages:

Universal Hints System is a good place to get a spoiler for one specific puzzle you're stuck on without inadvertantly ruining any of the rest of the game--they have their walkthrough uniquely structured to reveal only one hint at a time.

Here is the official Longest Journey homepage from developers Funcom, with a demo, downloads, forum, and FAQ.

Here is the official site for Dreamfall: Longest Journey 2, due to come out in late 2005. With a trailer and tantalizing screenshots.

The rest of these links aren't related to The Longest Journey, but you may enjoy them anyway...
most of them were created by me or by friends of mine. (-:

Learn about Native American culture at a site maintained by Orrin Lewis and myself. (There's also a Native American name page and pictures of Native American crafts.)

Visit the World of Ataniel, an AD&D gameworld created by Doug Barre and brought to the Internet by Kristin L'Kar Andersen.

Read my Personal Pages.

Check out fanfic guru Kristin Andersen's Harry Potter Fanfiction site.

Check out Sylvia Rudy's homepage, especially her cool Myths in Fiction pages.

Check out Orrin Lewis' homepage with his essays about modern American Indian life.

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Map of New York * Jicarilla * Mississippi river * Wilderness lodge * Aleutian Islands

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